Thanks to Katie Oetken for unoffifcially making me want to do this whole blog thing.
Here are some of my favorite books for young children.
These are in no particular order. If you would ever like to purchase any of these for my classes please ask beforehand. I own some already and do not own others. Thank you.
1. The dutchess of Whimsy.
2. Don't let the pigeion drive the bus.
3.How I became a pirate.
4. Gloria the cow.
5.Creaky old house
6.Not a box.
7.Little smudge.
8. Art by patrick mcdonnell
9. The circus ship
10. Lots of dots.
11. Happiness Tree
Larry! Ohhhh! I'm so happpy you're doing a blog too and that I inspired you:) yay. You are such a fun teacher I want to hear aboutyour adventures and share your ideas man!